Log Category of Documents: Joint Statement by the NVN and Cambodian Governments
Coordinate VR803190
Keywords People Ton Bé Thang, Norodom Sihanouk, Pham Van Dong, Vo Nguyen Giap, Nguyễn Duy Trinh, Hoàng Minh Gián, Nguyen Thuong, Xem Dec Pen Nut, Doctor Ngo Hu, Chuon Mum, Muot Xem Bat, Xieng An
Keywords Location Vietnam, Cambodia, Western Nam Bộ Region, Phnom Penh, Vientianne, Bangkok
Keywords Objects N/A
Summarize The document includes a news bulletin from the VC Liberation Press, reporting a joint statement signed by leaders of North Vietnam and Cambodia, condemning US actions in Cambodia and analyzing various political and economic conditions in North Vietnam.