Log Category of Documents: Party Activities, Phu Yen Province Party Committee, Southern Sub-Region, Region 5.
Coordinate N/A
Keywords People Hoang Dong Phuong, Ma Doan, Ma Nhe, Muon Phuong, Ha Noa, Ma Hong, Ma Quang, Ma Chò Roi, Ma Bló, Ma Lon, Na Tam, Ho Bung
Keywords Location Krongpa Village, Subi Stream, Tây District, Buôn Cho, Buon Hoc, Buon Kham, Buồn Blé, Buồng Bảng, Tuy Hoa 1, Tuy Hoa 2, Tuy An, Son Hoa Districts
Keywords Objects N/A
Summarize Minutes of a meeting from Sep 18, 1969, and a letter dated Oct 10, 1969, providing details about cadet training and the election of officials.