LogID : 02-1806-68 (4 page original handwritten, typewritten,) (B) 4th Bn, 272d Regt, 9th VC Div. Item #1: Certificate, dated 1 Oct 67, signed by Nguyên Nape Thoi, Secretary of Party Committee, affirms that Nguyen Van Phen of Party Chapter 4, 4th Bn, was awarded the title "Three Good Quality Party Member" of Second Step. Item #2: Letter of appreciation #461/GK, dated 7 Jan 68, signed by Nruyen Tần Danh, Cà of 4th Co, was issued to Nguyen Van Sy, Combatant of Lth Co, for combat achievements in the battle in Bu Dop on 28 Nov 67. Letter further reveals that Sy is a native of Hoang Diêu Village. Äong Quân, District_7, Thái Bình â Provinon. Item #3: Letter of appreciation #02/00, dated 21 May 67, signed by Hoang Van Due, Co of 58th Bn, was issued to Asst. Sad Ldr Binh VÄn Du, for enthusiastic execution of mission from 1 to 19 May 67. Letter further reveals that Du is a native of Minh Tân Village, Tuen hung District, Thai Binh Prov. Item #4: Hospital release, dated Sep 67, signed illegibly by CO of B30, Doën Group 85, countersigned by Medical Student Xuan anh, reveals that Nguyen Van bap, age 28, Combatant of C4, D4, Doan_23 Prob 4th Co, 4th Bn, 272d Regt, 9th VC Div/ was hospitalized from 1 to 16 Sep 67 for malaria treatment.