Log Category of Documents: Certification, 1. for the, dated 12 Dec 67, signed by T. Co, Unit CO awarded to hot Sqd. dr of 16th Co-Do 37 poss 273d wgt, 9th VC Div. (C) PHS, dated 20 Jan 60, prepared by Asst Sqd Ldr Phan Van Henh of 16th Mortar Co
Coordinate XT831197
Keywords People Tran Lieu, Dung Tien, Phan Van Henh, Hieu Ba Vinh
Keywords Location Nain Cung Dist, Bac Ninh, Ca Mau Prov, Hamlet 10, Vinh i Vill, Thanh Tri Dist, Soc Tring Prov
Keywords Objects Certificates of Commendation, letters of Appreciation
Summarize Certification for hot Sqd leader from 16th Co pos 273 Regt, 9th VC Div and PHS document detailing personnel information related to Phan Van Henh.