Log Category of Documents: Record, entries dtd between 16 Jun and 5 Aug 68 by an U/I individual, reveals the following: Elm of 3d NV. Div, MR 5. Orders for rice, provisions to multiple Units.
Coordinate N/A
Keywords People Thu, Huynh Ngoc Kha, Lê Bai, Trà Thể Hồng Vân, Vo Van Thong
Keywords Location Phuộc Sơn Vill, Tuy Phuoc Dist, Binh Dinh Prov, Quảng Ngãi Prov, Đức Minh Vill, Mộ Đức Dist, Quảng Ngãi Prov, Phuoc Hoa Vill, Tuy Phuoc Dist, Bình Định Prov