Log Category of Documents: Elements of Quang Da Special Zone, Military Region (MR) 5
Coordinate N/A
Keywords People Phung Văn Chi, Phan Đuć Thai, Nguyen Dinh Chien, Nguyên Van Biếc, Hoang Duc Hau, Vu Văn Hải, Trần Hữu Đức, Nguyễn Văn Tố, Nguyễn Văn Thoại, Vo Van Quan, Nguyen Van Trieu
Keywords Location Loc Hoa, Dai Loc, Quang Nam, Cho Chu City, Bac Thai Prov, Nhân Phu Vill, Lý Nhân Dist, Nam Hà Prov, Tân Hưng Vill, Vĩnh Bảo Dist, Hai Phong, Phú Long, Quang Đội, Southern Trang Điền, Thanh Đơn, New Hamlet, Phú Ninh
Keywords Objects 30 liters of rice
Summarize Hand Receipt, Personnel Roster, Hand-drawn sketch, Notebook with fragmentary notes on political indoctrination lessons, awards, personnel, and routine activities of a Company-sized unit