Log Category of Documents:
Personnel Actions, Element of Châu Duc Dist Unit, Ba Ria - Long Khánh Prov, 17 Begion. Items #1-4s Four Doc pertaining to Duong Van Tri, Co, XO, Châu Đức Dist Local Co, Ba Ria - Long Khánh Prov,((poss T7 Region )), include the following: -Order #034/QD, dated 20 Feb 67, signed by Vo-Dang CO, Bà Biên Prov Unit, confirms the position of Dương Văn Trị as Sqd Ldr, acting Plat Polit officer, Châu Dac Dist Local Force. The Order was to be implemented by CO of ((LBN)) 6107/VT and the individ