(C) Item 1: Self-Critique Statement, dtd 17 Jan 69, prepared by Nguyên Hu Nhi, Asst Plat Ldr, B16 ((poss elm of Dong Phú Bn, SR-3, COSVN)), reveals that Nhi was admitted to the Party on 21 Nov 64, (C) Item 2: Self-Critique Statement, dtd 20 Jan 69, prepared by Hoang Quoc Huy, Asst Plat Ldr, Phu Lai II Bn, HQ, reveals that Huy was born in 1939 and was admitted to the Party in Apr 65, (C) Item 3: Self-Critique Statement, dtd 16 Jan 69, prepared by Nguyen Ngoc Văn aka Nguyên Ngọc Lân, Asst Plat Ldr, Đồng Phú Bn, reveals that Văn was born in 1938, and enlisted on 21 Mar 59, (C) Item 4: Self-Critique Statement, dtd 16 Jan 69, prepared by Vu Binh Vuong, age 33, B.15, Dong Phu Bn, reveals that Vuong was admitted to the Party on