Keywords People Ngo Van Be; Ngo Van Sau; Ngo Van Khanh; Dao Ngoc Dien; Hien; Minh; Tran Xuan Thao; Sau; Phan Van Thien; Phan Quang Trieu; Squad Leader D8 Xuan Hieu; Hoang Si Tub
Keywords Location N/A
Keywords Objects AK; 325 rds of ammo; 12 Chicom stick-type defensive hand grenades; two mines; two bangalore torpedoes with primer detonators; two flame throwers; four Bl (poss B40); one 60mm mortar; three "Ca 54" (K.54); 20 rockets; 30 rds of 60mm mortar ammo; 2,000 rds of small arms ammo; one CKC; one B40; one AT; one smg
Summarize Detailed hospital release slip, letters of introduction, weapon status reports, personnel rosters, and party activities involving members of the 7th NVA Division and associated units.