Log Category of Documents: The total expenditures incurred by "D" [Bn] during the same period were 839,377$ plus 36,000 Riels Cambodian currency. In addition, 92,259 liters of rice plus 5,076 liters of salt were expended. Equipment purchased consisted of ten bicycles and 54 bicycle tires. The unit also transported 6,500 dry cell batteries and 20 storage batteries. C1 was noted as having built 81 houses, versus 31 and 37 houses built by C2 and "D" HQ respectively.
Coordinate N/A
Keywords People N/A
Keywords Location 839,377$, 36,000 Riels Cambodian currency, 92,259 liters of rice, 5,076 liters of salt, ten bicycles, 54 bicycle tires, 6,500 dry cell batteries, 20 storage batteries
Keywords Objects No further significant information.