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Quyết Chiến Regt, 3d NV. Div, MR 5. (C) PHS, dated 15 Nov 67, prepared by 1/1 [CPL Ha Quée Thule aka Duy Minh, Asst and Ldr of Unit 131 – Elm of Quyết Chiến Ret, 3d NV., M: 5, reveals that Subject was born on 20 Aug 47 in Gia Lin Hamlet, Hoài Châu Vill, Hoai Nhón Dist, Bình Dinh Prov, enlisted on 11 Mar 66, and was admitted to Youth Group on 23 Jul 66. Thúc has two brothers: Hồ Quang Tam and Hồ Quang Hibi. Tám presently is an Off instructor at Ground Forces off School in North VN., Midi is a member of Signal See of Region 5 Thug's cousins, Ho Quang Nhan, Nguyên Biết, Nguyễn Quyết, Nguyễn Nhiều and Trấn Duong, have returned to SVN from regroupment to North, VN on an unspecified date. H6 Quang Ba and Nguyên Lục are still in North VN. Tran Nhu presently, is a schoolteacher in Hoai Nhon Dist, and H8 Quang Mai was regrouped to North VN and presently is a student at a university in Peking, Communist China.