Log Category of Documents: Item #1: Undated roster, prepared by an U/I person, lists name and position of 26 personnel of a U/I unit, and assigned weapons, as follows:
Coordinate XT056549
Keywords People Huynh Thanh Chí, Pham Van Giai, Lê Văn Chiến, Vo Van Le, Vo Vag Choi, Lê Văn Khen, Nguyễn Văn Nghia, Pham Van Hoa, Pham Tan Luc, Nguyen Van Thang
Keywords Location N/A
Keywords Objects 19 assorted weapons, nine AK assault rifles, three CKC rifles, three LMG, one US AR, etc.
Summarize Undated roster of 26 personnel with their positions and weapon assignments.