Log Category of Documents: Notebook, entries by an U/I medic from Xom 3 poss 3d En, 2d Regt, 3d NVA Div 7, contains medical lessons, drug reports, personnel rosters, and fragmentary notes recorded between Nov 67 and Jan 68
Coordinate N/A
Keywords People 282600 with malaria, various names
Keywords Location Xom 3, Thon 131-134, My Thing, Phủ Mỹ Dist, Bình Định Prov
Keywords Objects Medical lessons, drug reports, personnel rosters, fragmentary notes
Summarize Medical lessons between Nov 67 and Jan 68; various elements of Xom 3, including Thon 131 through 134, had 264 personnel on sick call, 85 with malaria; another entry recaps WIA on 2 Jan 62: Nguyễn Văn Ngò and others