1. Report from 29/30 August 1969: 511 unit sustained 14 KIA's, 12 WIA's, lost five AK's, one 60mm mortar, and one pistol. Expended 90x 82mm mortar rounds, 40x 60mm mortar rounds, 85 defensive/offensive hand grenades, 39 Chicom stick-type shaped-charge hand grenades, 12 B-41 grenades, and 12,110 rounds of small arms ammunition. 2. Report from 16 September 1969: after raid in Hoài Hảo, the unit had four pistols, 25 AK's, two B-40's with 12 grenades, 88 hand grenades, and 2,150 rounds of K-54 ammunition. 3. Report from 27 August 1969: strength of 18th Engineer Company was 60 men, sustained six KIA's, two MIA's, and lost two B-41's, five AK's. Also engaged mechanized vehicles, downed aircraft, destroyed heavy armaments. 4. Documents reveal strength and armament conditions in August and September 1969 for Q.20 unit, 81 men, five 81mm mortars, 19 AK's with 2500 rounds, three pistols, 40 hand grenades, and binoculars.