Diary of Infiltrator with entries dated between 5 Dec 67 and 19 Feb 68 by Vu Khai note his activities. Vu Khai enlisted on 18 Jul 67 in Hoa Binh Prov. His unit, composed of four Co, started infiltrating SV on 24 Nov 67. While crossing Nhé An Province, Khai noticed many wrecked vehicles along the road, destroyed by rockets. Also women who were repairing the road. Before moving into the Ha Tinn ares, his unit crossed NA River. While closing in Cuang Binh Proy, he noticed a vast wooded area destroyed by us airstrikes. Cor about 29 Jan 66, subject's Unit was broken down into two elements. The first element consisted of C3 and CL and the second element consisted of Cl and C2. Both elements moved to different areas. After crossing Lower Laos, they arrived at their assembly in Quang Tri on 6 Feb 66. On 9 Feb 68, Ki's element was recruited to transport ammunition to the front line and evacuate A, then they crossed Song Hibh River and fought on the T Thien Prov battlefield. On 19 Feb 6, VKhi was assigned to an unspecified unit as replacement. (C) 2. Document was captured with others referring to elements of the 6th Bn, 24th Regt, 304 VA Div, and 29th NVA Rept. This document suggests that subject's battalion infiltrated SVN as a replacement unit.