Log Category of Documents:
A page of "Lap-Cong" ((Score Meritorious Works)) News Bulletin, issue number unspecified ((poss published by Boan 21 NVA Div)), contains information on military and propaganda achievements attained by units subordinate to Doan ((poss Doan 21 NVA Div)) from 10 February to 22 March 69. Doc states that, with the exception of Doi ((Unit)) 22, 24 and 28 ((poss specialized battalions of Boan 21 NVA Div)), all elements of V21, V23 and A26 ((poss 95C, 101D and 18B Regt, Doan 21 NVA Div)) had distributed 11, 228 leaflets and captured one ((poss Vietnamese)) defector. From 22 February to 22 March 69, Phan Doi ((Detachment)) 1 thru 3 ((poss 1st thru 3d Co)), 24th Air-Defense Bn, Doi 25 ((poss Sapper Engr Bn)) and V21, V23 and A26 shot down and/or destroyed a total of 101 ((FWMAF/RVNAF)) aircraft.