Log Category of Documents: 18th Antiaircraft Company, 141st Regiment, 7th NVA Division. Items 1-3: Three weekly training schedules, dated 22, 23 and 30 April 1969. Item 4: Directive, dated 3 April 1969. Item 5: Order, undated. Items 6-7: Two notebooks, entries dated from April 1969 to 1 June 1969.
Coordinate N/A
Keywords People Vu Duyên Hai, Lê Quy Mao, Do Nội
Keywords Location N/A
Keywords Objects 3 machine guns, 60 rounds of ammunition, 2 gun covers, 263 grenades, 21 AKs with 3510 rounds, 3 12.8mm machine guns with 1500 rounds, 7 Chicom stick-type hand defensive grenades, 1 compass, 1 B40, 4780 rounds of K56 ammunition
Summarize Documents contain training schedules, directive on responsibilities, order for materials, roster of personnel, equipment details, KIAs, political notes, and lost items.