Log Category of Documents:
Reconnaissance and Military Intelligence Elements, Hoat Nhon District Unit, VC Binh Dinh Province, VC Military Region 5. Two letters with envelope, both dated 2 Feb 71, from Thanh Hong to Ngoc, Mai, Tam Vang, and Tam, read in part. "... Recently, Tiên, Dung, and I proceeded to the Dôc-Da-Lua área to set up an observation post. From this observation post, we can observe the surrounding area with the exception of the western area of Hoai Hao and the interior of the Nhà Tho Doc area. The observation post is only a two-hour march from our home but is on a hill without cover. From this post we can observe the Hoài Châu District area which is a one-night march from our base area."