CDEC Doc Log No.
Log Category of Documents:
Personal papers of Nguyen Van Thanh, Squad Leader in 212, aka 12th Battalion ((possibly 12th Artillery Battalion, Artillery Command, Headquarters, SVNIA)), consist of the following: 1. Award certificate 41/DS, undated, signed by Phan Kha Vuong, Commanding Officer of 212, reveals that Thanh was granted the title Brave Destroyer of Aircraft, in compliance with Order 3/QD, dated 6 Jun 70. 2. Promotion order 6/QD, dated 20 Jul 70, signed by To Tuong Tam, Commanding Officer of an unspecified battalion ((possibly 12th Artillery Battalion)), Boan 75 ((possibly Artillery Command, Headquarters, SVNLA)), promotes Thanh to Squad Leader, 3rd Company. 3-4. Two award certificates, dated 19 Jul 70, signed by To Tuong Tam ((see Item 2)), and dated 11 Nov 70, signed illegibly, reveal that Thanh was presented a letter of appreciation and a Third Class Liberation Combatant Medal. 5. Transfer order 12/QD, dated 1 Jan 71, signed by To Tuong Tam, transfers Thanh from the 3rd Company to the 12th ((Artillery)) Battalion ((Headquarters)) to assume an unspecified position. (C-Apr 71) Item 6: (25 pages, handwritten; B-3) Notebook, with entries dated from 11 Sep 70 to 1 Jan 71, maintained by an unidentified member of an unspecified unit ((possibly 3rd Company, 12th Artillery Battalion, Artillery Command, Headquarters, SVNLA)), records military lessons ((9 pages)), rosters and weapons inventories ((9 pages)), mimtes of a meeting ((3 pages)), and notes on food supply ((4 pages)). An entry, dated after 24 Oct 70, lists the names of 37 members of the author's unit, including Thành ((possibly Nguyễn Văn Thành, see Items 1-5)). The unit had B1, B2, and B3 ((possibly three platoons)) headed by Thúy, S6, and Hieu, respectively. Entry, dated Nov 70, states that the unit was armed with 21 AK's, 12 CKC's, two automatic rifles, three B-40's, one K-54, three DH-10 directional mines, 18 B-40 grenades, 10 offensive/defensive hand grenades, and 34 Chicom stick-type shaped-charge hand grenades.
Keywords People
Nguyen Van Thanh, Phan Kha Vuong, To Tuong Tam, Thuy, Soi, Hieu
Keywords Location
Kompong Cham
Keywords Objects
21 AK's and 12 CKC's, automatic rifles, three B-40's, one K-54, three DH-10 directional mines, 18 B-40 grenades, 10 offensive/defensive hand grenades, 34 Chicom stick-type shaped-charge hand grenades, three bangalore torpedoes, one wire cutter, 38 entrenching tools
The document includes personal papers of Nguyen Van Thanh and records military lessons, rosters, weapons inventories, minutes of a meeting, and notes on food supply of the 12th Artillery Battalion under the Artillery Command, headquarters SVNLA. It also outlines promotion orders, award certificates, and transfer orders.
Log Category of Documents:
Personnel Actions
12th Artillery Battalion
MR 3
Log Capture Date
19 Jan 25
Log Capture Coordinates
Log Capture Coordinates
CDEC Receive Date
Capture Location
Kompong Cham