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Memorandum #109/VP, dated 2 Aug 67, signed| Recon Plat, 3d typewritten.) (3) by of Thiting, member of the Current Affairs Commi 275-TK, addressed to HT-5, a subordinate Dis! Party Committee, comments on a Resolution recently adopted by HT=5. Document first although HT-5 presently controls a area, it had still failed to esta! S out that ly large Lvc7 organizational , “reactionaries” as well ed Sedo sia still continued 52,000 inhabitants now Pg berg area of HT-5, only 1,400 have thus far Farmer's Associations. HT-5 was now an important employed to coordinate vi Province's Districts situated in the lowlands. cument also mentions missions to be performed by HT-5 during the forthcoming period, including: A Do- constant effort to expand VC-controlled area by repeated attacks to be conducted in conjunction with political struggles and military proselyting activities. - and A other amd to deeper encroachment upon the Dist seat towns to eliminate the GVN administrators compel the KVMAF to be on the defensive. pare’ will Intelligence_/ - placed on the suppression of KVN elements operating slong Route #1. Preparations will be made to turn Vill into strongholds capable of confronting FWMAF/RVMAF attacks and sweep operations, reserve Additionally, pro- duction will be increased to obtain and po ontioa val food for "DN" the Dist. Mention was made of the position located along Route #1 and in the proximity of the Dist seat, where concerted offen- sive activities should be made by the Dist to wear down as the well / as KVNAF_/ US regular and regional elements troops. Decument further warns HT-5 against any onise" tendency, and then specifies that_the uf Pre the has a seal Bist? - been a is now the camplete "liberation" [cf Document also indicates that there seen ale eR ane a oan substantial decrease in the amount of land available for the cultivation of various kinds ; of fruit during the current year, and that Quang seeds be Tri provided from Gio recommends Poise of ay gp Phong Dién / Dist of Thua Thien Prov,