Log Category of Documents:
Items 1 through 7: Undated and unsigned
Death Notifications, prepared by Chau Duc Dist Ba Bien
Proy, reveal that seven members of Units C.20 and C.41
were killed in action from May 65 to 11 Jun 67. Ranking
from Pvt to Asst Sqd Ldr, they were natives of villages
in Ba Ria Province and enlisted between Oct 60 and 11
Feb 67 Following are their names: Van Nhoh, Van Hoa
TrĂ¢n Văn Sanh, Nguyá»…n Văn Bầu, LĂª Văn Thuẫn, Nguyá»…n Văn-ThĂ nh and Huynh
Văn Má»