Log Category of Documents:
Item #1: Infil Pass #611/TBA, dtd 10 Oct 60 signed by Can, authorizes Khuat Trong Tranh of D poss Doan 150B to proceed to Bac-An (for B47). Item #2: Ltr dtd 5 Jan 68 from An to Em and Tưu, requests addressees' to provide Nguyên Danh Ba, mbr of C12, 13 who was released from a hospital, with food and billeting for one day. Item #3: Ltr, dtd 6 Jan 68, from An to T Ban 5 poss Sub-Sec 5, requests addressees to provide Tran Van Ve and Do Van Tiêm of C21 with one meal (two cans [250 grams each of rice.) Notes on the reverse side of the Ltr reads, "24 Dec 67-CO of Doan /Gp/ 150 to Co of 3d Bn. Item #4: Ltr, dtd 6 Jan 68, from AN to Sub-Sec 5,, requests addressees to issue two meals to Nguyễn Tường Thích and Yai Văn Hóa of Có, D2, sick stragglers who reported in to Loan Bo poss G. Item #5: Ltr, dtd 10 Jan 68, from Bao, Chief of a Permanent Sec, to B5, requests addressees to issue a meal to one mbr of C21 and three others of 19 who were enroute back to their units after a period of time staying in various Stations. Annotation reads: Nguyên anh of C21. he and Vi of K10 [Ca], d103 Bn. Van of K9, d103. Item #6: Receipt, dtd 26 Jan 68, signed by Chau, acknowledges receipt of 48kg of rice from E Bo Regt HQ. Item #7: Ltr, undtd, signed by U/I cadre, sent to Em & Tuu. requests addressees provide Trân Dinh Tu, mbr of C10, D3 with two meals before returning to his unit.