CDEC Doc Log No.
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Elm of 165th Regt, 7th NVA Div.. Two Awd Certif #601/CB/ TC, dtd 15 Mar 67, signed illegibly by Chief of Polit Sec of Qposs.. Adj Pham Tat Khanh and Polit Off Hoang Tharth of C17 poss Mortar Co of 165th Regt7 were awd Ltr of Appr for achievements in combat.. Item #3: Awd Certif, dtd 1968, signed by CO Cuong, states that Đăng Văn Huynh, Asst Sqd-Ldr of Unit G57, was awd the title "Second Class Determined-to-Win Combatant" for superior performance.. Item #: Citation, dtd 5 Apr 67, signed by Nguyen Phuong Tung, CO of Đoàn 86 poss Rr Sve Op 86, HQ, SVNLA, was awd to, Sqd Ldr Nguyen Quoc Bao, native of Cai Mon Vill, Mo Cay Dist, Ben Tre Prov, for achievements.. Item #5: PHS, dtd 4 Jul 67, prepared by Le Thanh Phong, reveals that Phong was born on 20 Oct 18 in Uy Tề , Gia Viên, Ninh Bình NVN.. Phong was admitted to the Youth Gp in 1965 and enlisted in 1967. Phong was recommended for admission to the Lao Dong Party by Nguyen Van Rot, Asst Polit off, and by Nguyen Van Chai, mbr of the Executive Com of 1st Gp Chapter, D301, Boàn 236.. Item #6 Order, dtd 1 Aug 67, signed by Secretary Nguyen Cuy for the Executive Com of Party Com, Doan Op 226, admits Le Thanh Phong to the Lao Dong Party as a probationary mbr of 1st Party Chapter.. Item #7: Ltr of Introduction, dtd Apr 67, signed by Dinh Xuan To for the Executive Com of 6th Youth Gp Chapter, introduces Pvt Nguyen Van Toan, mbr af 6th Gp Chapter, to an unspec Op Chapter, and recommends that he be permitted to participate in Gp activities..
Ben Tre
Keywords People
Keywords Location
Adj Pham Tat Khanh, Polit Off Hoang Tharth, Đăng Văn Huynh, Nguyen Quoc Bao, Le Thanh Phong, Nguyen Phuong Tung, Dinh Xuan To, Nguyen Van Toan
Keywords Objects
U/I Unit, D300, Youth Gp, Cai Mon Vill, Mo Cay Dist, Ben Tre Prov, Uy Tề , Gia Viên, Ninh Bình NVN
Award Certificates, Letter of Appreciation, Personal Achievements Statement
Log Category of Documents:
Award Certificate, Citation
165th Regt, 7th NVA Div
Log Capture Date
3 Oct 68
Log Capture Coordinates
Log Capture Coordinates
D/1/2 Inf, 1/ 23 Mar 68 Received CDEC:
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