Log Category of Documents: Items 1 thru 12: Twelve Self-Critique Statements, dated between Apr and May 68, prepared by the following personnel of the Farm Production Element of K32
Coordinate N/A
Keywords People Trân Đinh, Nguyễn Chiêm, Nguyễn Th?, Nguyễn Thi Liên, Nguyen Van Tr, Le Van Bay, Le Bie, m, Bui Ngọc Anh, Châu, Hồ Xuân Tôi, Bùi Xuân Ngọc, Duông Sĩ Huynh, Vo Lulu
Keywords Location N/A
Keywords Objects Farm Production
Summarize Twelve self-critique statements from Apr to May 68 by Farm Production Element of K32 personnel.