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(C) 107th AA Bn, Quang Ngai Prov, Mil Region 5. After Action Report, dated 8 Sep poss 67 signed by Hoang To for Doan 107 poss 107th NVA 12.7mm MG AA Bn 7 relates details pertaining to the countersweep operations at 'Song Re' on 9 Aug 67. Following are the main points of the report: (1) general situation of Doan 107, (2) preparations for battle, (3) development of counter sweep operations, (4) battle results and (5) lessons learned. Document reveals that Doan 107 had arrived from North Vietnam just prior to this action after a five month infiltration trip to South VN. During this operation, the AA Bn received assistance from the Prov Unit poss Quang Ngai 7, Unit D20, and guerrillas from the Song Re area. Regarding organization for combat, the 3d Co was assigned to support friendly units attacking FWMAF/RVNAF heliborne operations on Hill-450. The 3d Co placed all three 12.7mm machine guns at the bottom of Hill 625, The 1st and 2d Co moved into the area and prepared to cope with FWMAF/RVNAF heliborne troops as required, Document claims that the units have shot down 12 aircraft. C3 lost three 12.7mm machine guns, and one CKC rifle. One NVA Co XO was KIA, one plat Ldr, and one PVT were WIA. A handwritten endorsement by an U/I person states cadre of C3 should be indoctrinated carefully, some cadre were panic-stricken under hostile fire, and abandoned their weapons and equipment while withdrawing.