Document dated undated and unsigned, concerns enemy (FMAF/RV NAF) and friendly (VC) activities in a U/I village (poss of Binh -Dei Dist, Ben Tre Prov). The enemy conducted sweep operations, airstrikes and arty attacks causing losses in personnel and materials (to the VC). Friendly activities included indoctrination, propaganda, combat village building, sabotage of enemy communication routes, strategic hamlets, political struggles, military proselyting, farm production, village unit development. The village unit had 173 village guerrillas, 259 hamlet guerrillas, 56 assault youths, 799 self-defense members, 418 civilian laborers. It provided Dist Unit and Prov Unit with 93 recruits and 121 guerrillas, the battlefield with 387 civilian laborers. Three members admitted to the Party, 35 to Youth Group, 214 to Farmers, Youth and Women's Association.