Log Category of Documents: Item 1: Wound Certificate, dated 23 Jul 68, signed by Dinh Thuan, CO, 27th NVA Regt, MR IV, issued to PPC Nguyen Minh Dao who was wounded during an enemy air raid at High Point 165 in Cu-Dinh, Quang Tri Prov on 20 Jul 68.
Coordinate N/A
Keywords People Dinh Thuan, Nguyen Minh Dao
Keywords Location Cu-Dinh, Quang Tri Prov, High Point 165, Minh Tan Vill, Yen Lac Dist, Vinh Phuc Prov
Keywords Objects N/A
Summarize A wound certificate issued to PPC Nguyen Minh Dao, wounded during an air raid in Quang Tri Province.