Log Category of Documents: Item #1-20: 20 Letters of Introduction for Party Activity, all dated 15 Mar 68, prepared by Agency 616, Central Committee, ((Lao Dong)) Party, revealing names, dates of birth and dates admitted to the Party as follows:
Coordinate N/A
Keywords People Nguyễn Ba Ha, Nguyen Van Mie, Phan Son Kh, Vu Tan Ho, Pham Van Le, Nguyen Xuan Se, Nguyễn Xuân C, Dinh V, Đ?n Ngọc, Nguyễ?n Hy
Keywords Location Quang Da Special Zone
Keywords Objects Letters of Introduction, Photos of NVA AA crews, OPN Meade River
Summarize Series of 20 introduction letters and photos identifying members and activity of the 38th NVA Regiment and Quang Da Special Zone.