Log Category of Documents:
Development of Security Agency by Regions, Sub-Regions (SR) and Prov: Directive #173/AN, classified ((VC)) "Top Secret", dtd 8 Oct 68, signed by Ba Huong for the Security Steering Committee, M.40 ((poss aka COSVN)), forwarded to various T ((poss)) Region, SR, three Prov ((unspec)), provides additional guidance on the consolidation of security agency and preparations for the accomplishment of assigned mission in the future. Doc states that the preparations were aimed at attaining an initiative of action for a long-range struggle against enemy ((FWMAF/RVNAF)). Therefore, security agency of T, SR and Prov were instructed to anticipate the enemy plan of action by basing their deployment of troops on areas where local geographical data proved suitable for the operations of enemy agents. The friendly ((VC)) secret agents were to be placed in these areas to detect and maintain close surveillance on enemy activities. Regarding friendly espionage, doc reveals that they were classified into two categories: tactical espion and strategic espionage. The latter, including those who were planned to be sent to a foreign country ((unspec)) and assigned to a polit security maintenance agency, were to be planted in ((poss RVN) key organization for a future employment.