Log Category of Documents:
(C) Item #1: Memorandum, precedence Flash, dated 1 Oct 67, from H2 poss Can Dade Dist Party Committee, Long An Prov, MR 2, to subordinate Military Proselyting agencies, instructs them to concentrate the proselyting effort on enemy FWMAF/RVNAF troops. The document was published as a result of the assignment of elements of four enemy divisions to certain areas to support local units in pacification, the organization of Mobile Task Forces to deactivate RVNAF corps-sized units, and the training of RF/PF personnel to be assigned to RVNAP and US units. All addressees were directed to induce anti-American units to cease operations against VC and to aggravate the friction between RVNAF officers and the Americans in order to "accelerate the disintegration of the enemy". (C) Item #2: Report, dated 28 Sep 67, prepared by K3, with distribution to S, Pgnd-Tng Sec of N2, Pgnd-Tng Sec of Rposs HQ, SVNLA, K5, cadre and elements of K3, recapitulates the results of the political re-orientation course conducted for personnel on the new mission and situation and on 1967-68 Winter-Spring Emulation Campaign. According to the report, the Pgnd-Tng Sec has completed the re-indoctrination of nine low-level personnel, 12 low-echelon agency personnel, 54 party members, and 54 workers. (C) Item #3: Circular, dated 30 Sep 67, prepared by K3, with the same distribution as stated in Item 2, summarizes the results of political re-orientation as reported by Hei Tan, Chin Tan, and Ut Cang, Pgnd-Tng cadre. According to reports, indoctrination classes were conducted by D02 - Duc Hue Dist, Long An Prov for 24 cadre, by D03 Ben Thu Dist, Long An Prov for 28 cadre, and by D06 Can Dude Dist, Long An Prov for 23 cadre from various agencies. (C) Item #4: Circular, dated 21 Oct 67, prepared by Unit 210L Mil Affairs Committee of Can Giuoc Dist, Long An Prov, MR 27, informs subordinate units and agencies of combat achievements of Phude Lam, Thuan Thanh, M Loc, Long Phang, and Phuoc Hau Villages in counter-sweep operations and in the sabotage of routes of communication during the period 30 Sep to 19 Oct 67. In View of increasing "enemy" activities in the area, the Military Affairs Committee of Can Giuoc Dist assumed that the enemy would conduct a sweep operation to provide support for "puppet" troops in Can Giuoc area.