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Incomplete Note, dated 17 Aug 67, signed illegibly addressed to an U/I individual, reveals that on 3 Aug 67, Phát of the element headed by Nhón, Tim and Ga of the Production element of Unit BK9 fell into an enemy PWMAP/RVNAF] ambush at Đông Tre. Phat was wounded and captured. On 11 Aug 67, an element in charge of rice transportation headed by Thanh, Secretary, was attacked by the enemy. Giac was KIA and two other members WIA. The author of the note also informs addressee that Tâm, Cadre of the Production element, in his self-critique report, admitted that the Production element did not properly carry out its missions. In addition, stealing of the local population's property committed by members of this element greatly affected friendly VC prestige. The author of the note further reveals that Unit BK8 moved to the front area on 18 Aug