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PHS, dated 25 Feb 64 prepared by Pvt Nguyen Van Diêp aka Minh Dien, Acting Asst Sqd Ldr of Unit C.66 Dispensary of Hear Svc Gp 81 reveals that Diệp was born in 1937 in Bình Mỹ Village, Hóc Môn District, Gia Định Province and enlisted on 15 Jan 62. He is a former member of C1, Doan 81 ist Co, Rear Svc Gp 81, H2, SVNLA Attached are his application for admission to the Party a self-critique statement, letters of introduction by Nguyen Thanh Tam and Ho Van Cam of Party Cell 2, and a comment by Thái Văn Xôi