Log Category of Documents: Notes on additional resolutions of [Cu Chi Dist Party Committee & Military Affairs Committee for Jan 68 disclose that the purpose of the additional resolutions of the District was to make everyone fully understand the strategic decision of Central Executive Committee of the Lao Dóng Party to be implemented in the near future and in the shortest period of time, and the new development of the situation which was favorable for the VC 7. According to document, the missions of the VC in the District for Jan 68 were to Urgently develop the three full-blown movements for attacks on the enemy so as to give impetus to the uprising movement of the populace and at the same time bring the destruction of the enemy war potential to a higher level. The RVN popular force units, encircle isolated enemy posts and conduct attacks on enemy lines of communication. Sweep clean strategic hamlets and bring the populace therein to their native villages. Annihilate all enemy spies and agents and punish the tyrants in strategic hamlets. Strengthen bases and liberated areas. Motivate the populace to contribute material resources to the CK for the coming uprising. Insure the availability of 200 civilian Laborers at all times and recruit 150 men for military units.
Coordinate N/A
Keywords People Ngoc Tuyét, Re, Kinh, Tót, Tiên, Dung, Sinh, Tu, Thanh, Cu Cuong, Tỉnh/Tánh, Quyết, Hanh, Tùng, Hùng, Bảo
Keywords Location Cu Chi, South CVN
Keywords Objects N/A
Summarize Document contains detailed objectives for January 68 regarding military operations, strategic movements, and the expected contributions and roles of both civilian and military personnel.