Log Category of Documents: Bill, dated 17 Jan 68, signed by Ba Thuong, Medical Technician, reveals that a total of 840$ of subsistence allowances were issued to 23 wounded and sick personnel of D1 poss 1st Bn, Sub-Region 17.
Coordinate N/A
Keywords People Ba Thuong, Ha Khac In, Bui Van Lap, Phan Thanh Sử, Nguyễn Đinh Cánh, Lê Van Hay, Nguyen Van Viên, Nguyen Van Cheo, Ba Duc, Ba Nhân, Ba Nho, Ba Ho, Ba Nhỏ, Nhà, Ut, Niêu, Tho, Tuân, Hoang Ngoc An, Son, Thoa, Suu, Vu, Nguyen Van Hung
Keywords Location Ngoc Chúc, Giong Ring Dist, Rach Gia Prov
Keywords Objects N/A
Summarize Bill signed by Ba Thuong reveals subsistence allowances issued to wounded and sick personnel.