Log Category of Documents: Elms of 272d Regt, 9th VC Div. Personnel history details
Coordinate XT774078
Keywords People Huynh Ngọc Sinh, Huynh Thanh Son, Pham Van-Dau, Nguyen Van i aka Nguyen Van Son
Keywords Location An Dinh Vill, Mo Cay Dist, Ben Tre Prov, Vinh Loe Vill, Binh Tan Dist, Gia-Dinh Prov, Tan Thanh Tay Vill, Cu Chi Dist, Gia Binh Prov
Keywords Objects Order #148/KND, PHS, Signal Plat, Labor Youth Group
Summarize Orders and personnel details for 272d Regt, 9th VC Div., including notable names and personal histories; correction and updates in document log number