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Reports, dated 19 and 20 Jun 68, prepared by Duy Lat, Armorer, and authenticated by Triệu Duy Hai, CO, Unit 408, reveals the weapons status of the unit during period 1 Jan 20 Jun 68: (4) Weapons and equipment received from T3 and T4 ((poss Supply Depots)): six B40 with 106 rds two RPD, three K54, 15,600 K56 rds, 1,699 82mm rds, 100 60mm rds, 57 RKG ((Soviet RKG-3 heat hand grenades)), 957kg of TNT, 323 Chicom stick type defensive hand grenades, 202 offensive/defensive hand grenades, 37kg of T.H-50, 56 electric fuses, 947 detonator assemblies, 500 fuses, 126m of time fuse, 16 directional mines, 40 picks, and ten wire cutters. (5) Ammo and explosive charges expended during period 1 Jan 20 Jun 68: 1,092kg of TNT, 346 Chicom stick type defensive hand grenades, 1,567 82mm rds, 32 60mm rds, 6,340 K56 rds, 145 B40 rds, 340 Carbine rds, 221 offensive/defensive hand grenades, 37kg of TH50, 25 RKG, 840 detonator assemblies, 70m of time fuse, 50 chemical mortar rds, ten chemical grenades, 150 primers, and 150 fuses (6) Unserviceable equipment and Weapons: one B40, one CKC one carbine, two AK, two bipods for 82mm mortar, 18 offensive/defensive hand grenades, 12 B40 rds three wire cutters and 19 shovels.