Log Category of Documents:
Letter, dated 18 May ((68)), from an U/I person to Chau, reports activities of d408 ((poss 408th Sapper Bn, Gia Lai Prov Unit, B3 Front)), during period 10 Jan 15 May ((68)): On the night of 14 May ((68)), D408 conducted attacks on La Son and an ((FWMAF/RVNAF)) Armor Regt HQ in the vicinity of "Biên Ho" ((great lake)) and Route # 14 killing 75 US troops, destroying 11 houses and three armored vehicles. Friendly ((VC)) losses were listed as one KIA, three WIA, and one AK lost. During period 10 Jan 30 Apr ((68)), the unit received 33,400 K56 rds, 106 B40 rds, 100 60mm ((mortar)) rds, 1,411 82mm rds, 65 RKGs, 323 Chicom stick type defensive hand grenades, 407Kg of TNT, 37Kg of TH50, 34 electric fuses, 508 fuses, 126mm of electric wire, 547 detonator assemblies, 202 offensive/defensive hand grenades, 16 directional mines, three K54, six B40, and two RPD. The writer also states that assigned equipment of K90 ((poss Co of 408th Sapper Bn)) was not mentioned in this letter.