Log Category of Documents:
Item 1: Order #54/DDCB, dated 20 Jul 66, signed by Hai Mai for the Nam Truong cosVN 7 Organization Section, assigns Doctor Mai Huy to T-1 poss Eastern Nam Bo Region 7. This Order was to be implemented by T-1 Organization Committee and Doctor Huy. Item 2: Letter, dated 25 Aug 67, and signed by Doctor Nguyen Kim Bon, Chief of the Ba Bien Prov Civil Health Section, requests the T1 Civil Health Section to assign one Chinese-speaking medic to Bau Ham Vill Trang Bom Dist 7, whose population consisted of 7,207 persons, most of them being Chinese refugees who do not understand Vietnamese. Item 3: Undated Personnel Roster, prepared by an U/I individual, records names & bio-data of nine cadre of the Trang Bom poss Dist of Ba Bien Prov 7 Civil Health Section including Nguyen Thi Ngoc Dung.