Log Category of Documents: Two Reports, dated 10 and 18 Jun 67, signed by Ngoc Chinh, armorer, and countersigned by Nguyen Văn Thanh and Đặng Thuong, Unit CO, reveal the weapons status of Unit Ha Hai poss 2d Bn, 71st Regt, 2d A Div after the battles on 21 Apr and 2 Jun 67
Coordinate N/A
Keywords People Ngoc Chinh, Nguyen Văn Thanh, Đặng Thuong
Keywords Location MR 5
Keywords Objects 23 AR15, two M79 Lost: six GKC, 12 AK, three RPD, one RP 46, four B40 RL, one K53, 16 K54, 23 CKC, 66 AK, six RPD, three RP 46, six Blo, three 60mm mortars, two 82mm mortars, two K53, one 75mm RR
Summarize Reveal the weapons status between battles on 21 Apr and 2 Jun 67 and during the first six months of 1967