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Records of combat achievements and superior performance of duty of the following units during the period 1 to 23 Nov 67: (1) Transportation-RB, 43, Cum C, S1, S4; (2) units- C101, 103d Co, 105th Co, 23d Co, C58, K31, 4th Co/d7, 1st Co/d22, 2d, 3 and 4th Btry/d14 poss 14th Bn7, 3d stry/d18 poss 18th Bn, 24th Btry/d20 poss 20th J. Br, C2/d35, 2d Lam Son Co, 1st nd 2d Co/d20, 64, 2d, 643d Separate Co (3) Construction- Units RB and 43 that built Bridge N.T. (60 meters long), floating bridge T.M. built by the 35th Engr Bn, Units that constructed ferries operating on Song B and S.K.M.