Log Category of Documents:
Copy of Resolution of T3 [Western Nam Bo Party Committee and two Reports on Rear Service and Party activities. Item #1: (6 pages, 10 x 12 inches, typewritten). Unnumbered, unsigned and undated draft of a Report of an unidentified agency covering particular features of Rear Service activities during the first nine months of 1965. Item #2 (16 pages, 10 x 12 inches, typewritten), IV CTZ. Unnumbered, undated and unsigned copy of a Resolution adopted in the First Meeting of 13 Party secretaries. Contents of the Resolution are as follows: Development of Party members, Education and training of Party members, The role and responsibility of Party chapters leaders, Activities of Party Chapters. Item # 3: (20 pages, 10x12 inches, typewritten). Unnumbered, unsigned and undated copy of a Report on political and Party activities presented in the First meeting of the Province Chapter Secretaries on 23 January 1965.