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Letter of Appreciation # 230/QDKT, dated 15 Nov 65, signed by NGUYEN VIET HA, Commander of 3d Battalion, Doan Group7 51, issued to TRAN VAN LONG, an Assistant Squad Leader of unit C11, D3, Doan 511th Company, 3d Battalion, Group 517, for his achievements in the annihilation of one battalion of the 173d US Airborne Brigade at DAT CUỘC on 8 Nov 65; Letter of Appreciation # 231/QDKT, dated 20 Dec 65, signed by NGUYEN VIET HA, Commander of 3d Battalion, 51st Group, issued to TRAN VAN LONG, an Assistant Squad Leader of unit Cll, D3, Doan 51, for his achievements in the annihilation of the 7th Regiment of the 5th Division at DAU TIENG on 27 Nov 65