Keywords Objects
66 CKC rifles, 179 AK assault rifles, 17 K-54 pistols, 5 K-53 machine guns, 21 RVD, 18 B-40 grenade launchers with 66 rounds, 6 B-41 grenade launchers with 56 rounds, 6 60mm mortars with 44 rounds, 3 82mm mortars with 78 rounds, 2 AR-15s, 2 U.S. 45 caliber pistols, 71940 rounds small arm ammunition, 589 grenades, 336 shovels, 53 mattocks, 76 daggers, 4 two-watt radios, 3 telephones, 2 compasses, 3 binoculars, 145 kg C-4 explosives