Personal history statement of Cao Tien Thuy. Medical records indicating the medical activities and patient details of the 978 Dispensary. Twenty-three patients died, others were released or transferred. Specific units mentioned: B36 (36th NVA Regiment), D17, D19, E38 (90th NVA Regiment), Q81, 982 (Southern Hoa Vang, Duy Xuyen, Dien Ban District Units), D1 (1st Sapper Battalion), D3 (3rd Sapper Battalion), D2 (2nd Battalion). Additional units: D89, D69, Q91, 577th Artillery, Q78, D338, D26, 160th Transportation Battalion, Surgical Unit 2, H5, K550, E1060, K101, K505 (Security Section), Military Proselyting Section, Current Affairs Committee, C2 (2nd Company), D81 (81st Local Force Battalion), 2nd NVA Division, Q74, C18, K521, Corridor Department, Military Region 5.