Keywords Objects
The document reveals that the author's D was composed of C11, C12, and C13 ((possibly Infantry Companies)), C14 ((possibly Heavy Weapon Company)), and D ((Battalion)) Headquarters, and was reinforced by C19, C20, and C23 ((possibly specialized companies of the 271st Regiment)). It was assigned to operate ((independently)) in an unspecified area, and would move to its assigned area of operation at 1800 hours ((possibly on 21 Mar 70)). The formation of the author's D during the troop movement would be as follows: Contingent 1: C12 + C19 + C20; Contingent 2: C11+ D Headquarters + C23; Contingent 3: C13. C13's advance party, composed of 16 members equipped with one K-54, one CKC, 17 AK's, two RPD's, two B-40's, one B-41, and one mortar, would depart on 17 Mar 70. The document states that C13 had 83 members. In addition to its organic weapons, C13 would be reinforced with two machine guns from C18 ((possibly a specialized company of the 271st Regiment)).