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Nguy CONFIDENTIAL. Pages Ba - Lé eB ah Ban tuan Trldpa Trong Tuan. | a~ ~ a Tran Cong Khanh ~ ~"Dgm Minh Trien Le Van Dai." The Chapter was organized into five LPartyZ cells led by the following personnel: ‘ Cell site #1: Mai & Duogg* ", Celi # 2: Dinh Cong Tanh Ceil # 3: Cell, #4: Lofite Pham Dinh Hqad ‘Dinh Minh Dau cel: id Pham Ngoc Chinh Anrantry dated 24 Aug 67 reveals that the unit of { Party_/ ‘ Chapter 4 was assigned the long renge mission of operating along Road #9 r cogrdination with other friendly Lis to units wear down the enemy-and create favorable con+ ditions for decisive victories, The secondary mission of the unit swag, to- conduct raigs on the enemy located in the Vinh Linh Area, Ben Quan and Tan*Djnh, the Unit The was same entry further discloses that located in Norti: VN, Minutes of a meeting of the Chapter held on 17.Dee 67 indicate that the Unit was making * preparations for a troop movement despite very inclement weather, A to a and subsequent entry pertaining meeting of ‘the Chapter held on 29 Dec 67 reveals that the Unit would be involved in large scale concentrated attacks, #n entry, i dated 9 Jan 6% discloses that the ‘nit had completed the first phase of a long march and was making preparations for the second phase, The The last gestination was, however; not specified, entry, dated 22 Jan 68 states that the Battalion to which the Unit of Chapter 4 was ~ subordinate, was assigned to mission of conducting military actions to open an unspecified -vampaign, The same entry further reveals that the cited battalion was tie stifle force unit of the Regi- ment 4 was { unspecified_/, and that the Unit of Chapter going to move to the assigned area £ ws- pecified_/, (C) cbwe commit: — - (u)No Purther Expjoitable Information (C) 2. This document was captured with other documents referring te the 4th Co, 7th Bn,, 29th