Log Category of Documents: Guideline for Further Achievement in the Third General Offensive and Uprising Phase by Bà Ria-Sh32804 Long Khánh Prov Unit. Item #1: Directive #28/CT, undated, contains assessment by Al on the initial results of the short phase of T7 conducted between 15 and 17 Aug 68, and of the entire Mien conducted by elements of Ba Ria - Long Khanh Prov during the third phase of General Offensive and Uprising.
Coordinate YS432804
Keywords People N/A
Keywords Location Bà Rịa - Long Khánh Prov, Gia Ray Training Center
Summarize Units contributed to success: local Co, Long Dat Dist; Dh45 and 440 (poss 445th and 440th MF Bn, Ba Ria Long Khánh Prov), local Co, Châu Đức and Đinh Quán Dist and village guerrilla units. Units should replace losses by October 1968.
PAVN Unit Local Co, Long Dat Dist; Dh45 and 440 (poss 445th and 440th MF Bn, Ba Ria Long Khánh Prov), local Co, Châu Đức and Đinh Quán Dist and village guerrilla units.