Keywords People Bui Van Quê, Bui Van Dam, Lê Thi Hen, SGT Nguyen Huu Thuyet, SGT Luong Cong Xuyen
Keywords Location Hải Tân Hamlet, Thọ Hãi Vill, Thọ Xuân Dist, Thanh Hóa Prov, Quang Nam Prov
Keywords Objects AK, Offensive/defensive hand grenades, Chicom stick-type defensive hand grenades, Soviet RKG-3 HEAT hand grenade, shovels, assorted SA ammunition
Summarize Notebook from 12 Oct to 4 Dec 68 by Bui Van Quê of 3d Bn, 33th Regt, includes songs, bio-data, and personnel roster. List of weapons. Total 37 personnel from K9 to K12 received additional subsistence in Dec 68.