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(U) PHS by Natives of Villages of Binh Dinh Prov. 2 Dec 67 MR 5.(C) Item 1: PHS, dated 14 Apr 65, prepared by Đinh Thị Thường xã Phong aka Ái Lich of N.50, reveals that Phuong was born on 29 Dec 35 in Cuu Lội Tây Hamlet, Duc Hữu Village, Hoài Nhơn Dist, Binh Dinh Province and was admitted to the Party on 7 Jan 63, In Nov 55 Phuong was appointed Chief of (Labor Youth) Group Sub-Chapter. (C) Item 2. PHS, undated, prepared by Hoang Thi Kym of K.300, reveals that Kym was born on 9 De 32 in Thanh Xuân Vilinge, Bình Định Provinced and enlisted on 9 Mar 65. In 1947 Kym was Plat