Log Category of Documents: Notebook with entries dated from 16 Dec 67 to 26 Jan 68 by a member of 2734 Regt, 9th VC Div. Contains notes on issue of rice to various units and a personnel roster listing names of members of H3 poss Rear Service Section of 273d Regt. Entry dated 26 Jan 68 recorded a message, #55, prepared by Hubing, addressed to Doan 81 poss Rear Service Group 81, H., SVNLA and E3 poss 2734 Regt revealing that Rear Services Staff Dept approved the issue of rice to E3 at F. Sang poss Phuoc Sang Village. Notes from a meeting disclosed that Sau Tan was designated to go to Suoi Doi to prepare billeting facilities for K.25. Sixteen mines, four rounds of unspecified Mortar ammo, and 350 rds of 12.6 cartridges poss 12,8 m AA MG of K.22 and 15,200 rds of CKC ammo of K.25 were concealed at Ba Dam Stream.
Coordinate N/A
Keywords People Tự Liêm, Tư Dần, Năm Con, Sơn, Thọ, Canh, Ba Cao, Sau Bé, Hai Sang, Bồn Đỏ, Năm Đầu, Hai Dũng, Bình, Hoàng Bá, Chu, Chung, Mạnh, Muôi, Nhuoc, Lộc, Vương, Coi, Hang, Sun, Dang
Keywords Location Suoi Doi, Ba Dam Stream
Keywords Objects mines, mortar ammo, cartridges
Summarize The document contains personnel listings and activities detailing the issuance of supplies and movements within the unit.